Prof. K. V. Kale

Scientist @ Geospatial Lab (

Drought Assessment System will make revolution in scientific community. We are developing web based droughtGIS system for welfare of farmers.

Data collection Module
Ground Truth

The Geomapper app is developed for basic data collection for geospatial researcher. The app is directly send data to the webserver.

Weather API

Manager Realtime data and graph of weather data. The Weather-API is the source to retrive weather data such rainfall, temp, humidity etc.

Weather Manager
IOT Manager

Add delete and update Sensor detail. The IOT Manager is a provider of information regarding to Weather parameter.

Farmers manager
Data processing module
Meteorological Drought

Add monthly temperature in drought assessment system. System already have database from 1901 to 2015.

Meteorological Dashboard
Agricultural Drought

Add monthly Rainfall in drought assessment system. System already have database from 1901 to 2015.

Agricultural Dashboard
Geoprocessing Bridge

The Geoprocessing modules are bridge between server to stand alone system. Here desktop based software can able to send output to the web server.

Geoprocessing Panel
Data Visualization

DroughtGIS is a web based geospatial tool for drought assessment system. you can map the features like water, ground truth.


The Map viewer is powered by open sources geospatial technology such as leaflet and folium. You can access OSM, and Google Imegery.

Map Viewer
Map embedding

The Map embedding modules are map integration ultility, where user can render the map with help of URL.

Map embedding Panel


Hello, welcome to DroughtGIS (Drought Assessment System) platform. we are developing geospatial technology based platform for near-realtime drought assessment.
