This system is used to Import and Export the in the specified template. Furthermore, you can compute the indices using the DrinC or SPI calculator software.
Export the data to calculate the Meteorological indices using DrinC software
Select parameter to plot a graph
Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$RESULTS in /home4/amolvibh/public_html/svgaikwad/tools/droughtgis/getWeather.php on line 54
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given in /home4/amolvibh/public_html/svgaikwad/tools/droughtgis/getWeather.php:58
Stack trace:
#0 /home4/amolvibh/public_html/svgaikwad/tools/droughtgis/meteorological.php(211): include()
#1 {main}
thrown in /home4/amolvibh/public_html/svgaikwad/tools/droughtgis/getWeather.php on line 58