This panel is usefull for Analysis of Agricultural related geospatial data.

Near-Realtime Agricultural drought indices calculator.

Sown Area analysis

This data is received from government office of Agricultural of dividion.

Please select the season to draw graph.

Sown Area in Division

The records of sown area of Kharif and Rabi season.

Record # Division Season Total Area Crop Land Sown Area Detail Date Commands
Farmers Registered in DroughtGIS Research

Following is a list of farmers which is registered for Drought Assessment project. click to Add Farmer

Record # Farmer Address Survey No Soil Irrigation Farm Area Commands
Crop Observation data

The crop observation data is received in 15 days period from the registered farmers.

you have no recent pending records
No Crop Detail
1 Cotton Seed type is Paras Brama. Cotton sow in Kharif season
Farmers on the Map

Click on map marker to display information.

Add farmer into DroughtGIS Manually Using map Using App

Download the app for the farmer registration form Download the App