Sown area database manager
Select the Division.
Select the soil type ex. Black soil.
Type the total area of division/ study area in HectreEx. 5345
Crop-land area in hectre ex. 541
Type total sown area in hectre ex. 500
Type year only. ex. 2017
Tell us this division or other important detail.

Records from database.

No Division Season Total Area Crop land Sown Area Date Detail
1 Aurangabad Kharif 1540.00 1400.00 1200.00 2016 Test case
2 Khuldabad Kharif 1230.00 1200.00 1100.00 2015 survey carried 2014
3 Khuldabad Rabi 1565.00 1203.00 1020.00 2014 het test case
4 Aurangabad Kharif 1540.00 1400.00 1200.00 2016 Test case
5 Khuldabad Kharif 1230.00 1200.00 1100.00 2015 survey carried 2014
6 Khuldabad Rabi 1565.00 1203.00 1020.00 2014 het test case
7 Aurangabad Kharif 1540.00 1400.00 1200.00 2016 Test case
8 Khuldabad Kharif 1230.00 1200.00 1100.00 2015 survey carried 2014
9 Khuldabad Rabi 1565.00 1203.00 1020.00 2014 het test case
10 Aurangabad Kharif 1540.00 1400.00 1200.00 2016 Test case
11 Khuldabad Kharif 1230.00 1200.00 1100.00 2015 survey carried 2014
12 Khuldabad Rabi 1565.00 1203.00 1020.00 2014 het test case
13 Aurangabad Kharif 1540.00 1400.00 1200.00 2016 Test case
14 Khuldabad Kharif 1230.00 1200.00 1100.00 2015 survey carried 2014
15 Khuldabad Rabi 1565.00 1203.00 1020.00 2014 het test case